IP Seminar 2015 Speakers Presentation | Powerpoint
Day 1
2. Mr. Robert KATZ - The U.S. Supreme Court and Technology
3. Dr. Hon-Man LEE - Alice and the Aftermath: What is Abstract Idea?
5. Mr. Barry FRANK - European Opposition Proceedings
6. Mr. Yanxi LIU - The Influence of Recent Amendment of Patent Law on Patent Commercialization
7. Dr. Yongfeng JIN - The Challenges of IP Management and Commercialization in China
8. Dr. Xiujuan CHEN - The Challenges of IP Management and Commercialization in China
9. Mr. Jerry YU - Innovative Patent Layout Methodology and Business Incorporated Operation
10. Alex ZHAO - Cross-Border Patent Legal Services Model
Day 2
13. Prof. Benjamin Y. M. YUNG - A Big Data Analysis Platform Unveils the Gene Interactions in Cancer
14. Dr. Waishun LO - Second Machine Age
15. Dr. Chishing CHAN - ‘WASPS’ - A Breakthrough Animal Monitoring System for Biomedical Research
16. Mr. Hu WANG - Intellectual Property Operation and Achieve Business Freedom
17. Ms. Ling HUANG - Value Assessment and Mission of Copyright Trading Platform
18. Mr. Lowell LO - A New Emerging OTCBB Market in China and the Way to Go
20. Mr. Clive CHUNG - IP – Valuation and Exit
21. Mr. Martin WONG - IP – Tax Issues and Impact
22. Ms. Catherine WU - IP – Marketing
23. Mr. Robert KATZ - Chinese Investment in Israeli Technology